Why People don’t Talk about their Trauma

**This is a re-blog, originally posted from the “Don’t Lose Hope” site. I found this piece so insightful as to why talking about trauma with others is difficult. For me, the biggest issue has always been negative feedback. It’s been most hurtful when I’ve shared my trauma with someone I care about, and that person is more set on giving […]

When Mother’s Day Looks Different

For some, Mother’s Day can be a day of emotional turmoil.   If you had a neglectful or abusive mother growing up, maybe it doesn’t feel like much of a celebratory day. In fact, the day can feel like an all-out assault on your emotions. Feelings of grief, anger, or anxiety may surface as you’re reminded of the relationship you […]

Seeing God’s Love Before I Knew Him

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 (ESV) “He who covers and forgives an offense, seeks love, but he who repeats or gossips about a matter separates intimate friends.” Proverbs 17:9 (AMP) In my early twenties, I lived in a dark place. Second-guessing decisions often left me empty and in […]