The Rainbow Is Coming

“The greater your storm, the brighter your rainbow.”

“Dare to love yourself as if you were a rainbow with gold at both ends.”

Hello, all.

This is a very impromptu “hello” back into the blogging world. My family and I took a HUGE step back from A LOT this summer due to multiple family stressors. I’m sure much of the details will come out in my writing over the next several months.

God has been good to us and pushed us through this storm. We are stronger on the other side.

I’m thankful to be back and writing, as my schedule allows. It’s such a joy and a blessing to have the ability to write! Praise God!

I appreciate you taking the time to read my posts, and I think I finally got the comments section fixed through WordPress- yippee!

Let me know (if you can) if you’re able to comment. Thanks, friends!

Creating Healthy Dialogue on Difficult Topics

It was a few short days after the killing of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer when our young neighbor approached me.

“I’m angry,” he said. “I have some things I’d like to talk to your husband about if he’s available.”

Knowing that my husband was a police officer, I was impressed by this young man’s initiative to come over and have an in-person conversation.

Our family had continued to be stressed and taxed by the pressure and attack on police that ensued after the horrible incident. The attack on the character of all law enforcement seemed to quickly permeate through our nation.

Fear quickly gripped our household. I wish I could say I’ve been handling it well, but it’s been an immense struggle on top of COVID-19. I have had to turn over my anxiety daily to God and seek help for our family in these difficult times.

I know my husband is in this profession to make a positive change and keep the community safe, but it’s an extremely demanding career. I wish more people would willingly sit down and talk with an officer or their family to learn about the stresses and dynamics of the job.

And our neighbor did just that.


My thoughts were skewed in how I viewed myself. I was still looking for outward affirmation. Not only that, I was looking for immediate confirmation from others that this was what I was supposed to be doing.

But God wanted to do something greater in that time. He began weeding out the toxic thoughts by revealing the lies I was clinging to for validation.

In this world, we are told that our value is based on how we look, what we wear, how successful we are, how we compare to others, and what others think of us.

The enemy is constantly after our identity.