An Honest Journey
YAY! Joining The Marked Ministry Team

YAY! Joining The Marked Ministry Team

Hello, friends. I’m happy to share that I have been invited to join the Marked Ministry team. Yay! If you have not checked out their genuine and beautiful content, be sure to click HERE. You won’t be disappointed!

Marked Ministry is focused on purity in all areas of life by seeking and building a relationship with Jesus. The young women’s online editorial isn’t afraid to dive into real issues & current events. I have found their content encouraging and relatable. There’s even a “Note to Guys” section that’s worth checking out for male readers.

For the March issue, Marked Ministry re-published one of my articles on GRIEF. I had originally written this article back in the fall of 2018 on my blog. Feel free to check that out HERE.

Starting in April, I’ll be contributing new content with each of their monthly releases. I’m so thankful and grateful for this opportunity.

THANK YOU readers and fellow bloggers for your support over these four years. I will still be sharing content on my own blog and articles I’ve written for Marked Ministry, so stayed tuned. 💚💚💚

Photo by Pineapple Supply Co. on Unsplash

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