An Honest Journey
Where Did You Go?

Where Did You Go?

It’s been a while! I haven’t been able to write for the past few months, but it’s only because of positive life events.

Late this past summer, I began training for an online tutoring company, called Ignite! Reading. The company partners with school districts across the U.S. and uses a one-on-one approach to tutor students in early literacy skills. Many of the school districts that Ignite! Reading partners with are behind in their reading skills, so this program allows for children to be taught on an individual level in a safe, online classroom for a short 15-minute session each school day. I recently finished training for the company a few weeks ago, and I’m now happily tutoring several students in the mornings.

It’s truly been a blessing to get back into teaching through an online platform that is flexible with my schedule. I stopped teaching with VIPKid back in 2021 when China’s laws about hiring foreign teachers changed, and my students and hours were drastically reduced. I knew I didn’t want to do anything full-time because my first commitment was to my family. As a U.S.-based company, I’m happy to have found Ignite! Reading. I’m so greatful to work with these children to help them with their early literacy skills and to have the opportunity to work from home.

With that said, I’ve been a bit hard on myself since I had to step away from writing for a length of time. My screen time increased with both training and tutoring going on simultaneously for weeks. By the time I was done with both, I really didn’t want to look at a computer screen for the rest of the day.

I know God provided this break from writing for a reason, but it was hard to step away without feeling like I was “falling behind”. But really, I needed to take a break as God was developing and re-igniting passions and skills within me to give back and directly help these young children.

Statistically, if a child doesn’t learn how to read by the 4th grade, that child is more likely to drop out of high school and not complete his/her education. 3rd grade is really a turning point for many children because from pre-school to 2nd grade, children are learning “how to read”, but by 3rd grade, they begin “reading to learn”. If a child doesn’t have this skill, can you see how difficult it would be to even do school work, or how discouraging it would be to go to school if you were falling behind because of the inability to read?

As I develop my own writing skills, I’m thankful to also be on the other side of teaching children “how to read”. Working for this online tutoring company has given me compassion for those children who may not have parents who are able to read to them after school or the school district is overwhelmed with a mass number of students, and children slip through the cracks with their reading skills.

Now that my training is complete, and I’m getting situated with my regular students in the mornings, I’m excited to start planning out what my writing time will look like for the rest of this year and into 2024. I’m also looking forward to meeting back up with my writing group in the next month. As a writer, it’s so encouraging to meet alongside other writers since it can be such an isolating task at times.

I don’t know when I’ll be posting next, but I know my writing schedule will pick back up soon when the time is right.

God bless you and thanks for checking in!

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Hebrews 13:16

Photo by Katerina Holmes:

10 thoughts on “Where Did You Go?

    • Author gravatar

      Great to hear from you Amber. I’m glad things are going so well for you, your family, and your students, and that your work is so rewarding. Blessings to you!

    • Author gravatar

      I’m so glad you’ve been able to get back into teaching! All the best.

    • Author gravatar

      Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Seeing how you’ve embraced the opportunity to tutor children in early literacy skills with Ignite is inspiring! Reading. Your passion for teaching and dedication to helping children who may be falling behind in their reading skills is commendable.

      Understandably, you’ve had to step away from writing for a while due to your training and tutoring commitments. Remember, taking a break and focusing on other aspects of life is okay.

      Your honesty about feeling like you were “falling behind” resonates with many of us who juggle multiple responsibilities and passions. It’s a reminder that it’s okay not to do everything all at once and that taking a break doesn’t mean falling behind. It can be a time of growth, learning, and re-igniting passions, as you’ve experienced.

      • Author gravatar

        Thank you for sharing that Kim. You are absolutely right- we can’t do everything, and we’re not meant to do it all at once! I appreciate this writing community, as we often support, encourage, and challenge one another. God bless, and thank you, again.

    • Author gravatar

      So glad that you are back! Your post strikes a chord with me because my daughter teaches 1st grade and I am constantly hearing about how many of the children have such poor reading and word recognition skills. Much of that, I’m afraid, is because parents don’t work with their kids after school. But that’s a discussion for another time. At any rate, I applaud the work you are doing because it is crtainly needed!

      • Author gravatar

        Thank you for your comment, Ron. Your daughter is a rock star! 1st grade is such a tough transition year for many kids. Gone are the days of kindergarten. And yes, the illiteracy rate in our nation is quite an epidemic. I’m hopeful there will be more companies like Ignite! Reading to step up and help the younger generation. It’s definitely needed as teachers are overwhelmed for many reasons. Parents definitely need to take the time to read with their children, but I understand that’s not possible for all families. I appreciate you stopping by to comment. God bless your daughter’s work!

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