What is the Point of Suffering?

Is anyone interested in helping lead the Book of Job? The question was posed to our Women’s Bible study group, as we continued to work through Max Lucado’s “10 Men of the Bible” series. Our group had already studied Noah, Jacob, Joseph, and Matthew, but not many people were thrilled to start reading about the life of Job. In all […]

Did You Fasten The Belt Of Truth?

Lies often sound like the truth. The devil himself thrives on half-truths (Genesis 3). Staying in God’s Word is pertinent (John 17:17). We cannot fend off the attacks of our enemy if we don’t know the truth. That is why putting on the belt of truth is the first piece of equipment listed to fend off our enemy. We will be easily swayed by “logic” of a sweet-sounding lie when we aren’t standing firm in the Truth and have it tightly fastened around our waists…