Victimhood & Self-Protection: Are You Living in Fear or Freedom?

The word “victim” has been thrown around relentlessly in the past four years. It seems there is no end to who has been victimized by someone or a group of people. While there’s no doubt that being a victim of a wrongful act(s) is harmful and wrong, is it possible to heal and grow out of the victimhood mentality? Bryan […]

From Bondage to Living with Purpose

Did you know the Creator of the universe is a personal God who knows you intimately? Think about that for a minute. The Creator of the sun, moon, stars, the Grand Canyon, Mount Fuji, the oceans, black holes, and the entire universe knows you intimately! Not only that, our magnificent God desires a personal relationship with you and has a […]

Seeing God’s Love Before I Knew Him

Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.” 1 Peter 4:8 (ESV) “He who covers and forgives an offense, seeks love, but he who repeats or gossips about a matter separates intimate friends.” Proverbs 17:9 (AMP) In my early twenties, I lived in a dark place. Second-guessing decisions often left me empty and in […]