Summer Update

Hello, fellow writers, family, and friends. I hope this post finds you well and that you are enjoying these summer months (if you are in the northern hemisphere). As an update, I have not deserted writing or my blog, I have simply been taking on different priorities this summer. With my children being out of school, my writing time has […]

Cross or Comfort: Misguided Advice & Opinions

Pt. 3: How Jesus Responds to Difficult People and Circumstances Misguided advice. We’ve all received it. Sometimes it comes “well-intentioned” from a loved one or someone just “trying to help”. Other times, the advice comes from someone who sees the relationship as transactional and only wants to get something out of it. It’s often easier to shrug off advice from […]

Tempted to Believe Lies: Misinterpreted Scripture

Pt. 2: How Jesus Responds to Difficult People & Circumstances We’ve all heard it, whether it was in-person or online, we’ve had the experience of hearing someone misuse Scripture to justify behavior. Sometimes we’re left scratching our heads thinking, “Did God really mean that?”. Other times, maybe we’ve been in complete agreement without realizing that the interpretation was incorrect. In […]