How Are You Celebrating Life?
Beauty in Life, Part 1 (Summer 2021 Series)
This is a wonderful day. And I have never seen this one ever before.
Maya Angelou
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
When was the last time you did something to celebrate your life?
God has given each of us the miraculous gift of life on this earth, and not only that, we each have a uniquely designed purpose. I’m always taken aback thinking about how God knew He was going to create me long before the earth was formed. It’s such a beautiful mystery that makes me want to celebrate and honor God all the more!
In each day, we are given opportunities to honor God and celebrate the life He has given us. Celebration first starts with a thankful heart. While there is pain, tragedy, and hardship in this life, we can make a point to look for ways to be thankful and grateful for even the simplest things.
This week, my son started breaking off one of the peonies in our garden. After my initial frustration and having a conversation with my son about respecting the plants, I decided to cut the flower at the stem and bring it inside.
Placing it in a vase with water, I was amazed how a simple flower could brighten up our kitchen and completely change the “feel” of the room. The kitchen table suddenly felt more elegant, put-together, and peaceful.
Maybe my son was on to something?
While he did need to learn to ask before pulling up a flower, he was pulling it up because it was beautiful. He wanted to appreciate it in his hands.
Taking that flower inside and setting it on our table, felt like we were all doing a little celebration of life.
How often do we appreciate beautiful things?
In the book of Ecclesiastes, we are reminded that there are many seasons in life. “For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1).
Within those seasons, there are times to enjoy the pleasures God has given us. True enjoyment comes from acknowledging that each day is a gift from God. As hard as these times have been and may continue to be, are we recognizing the many gifts God graciously continues to give?
“So I decided there is nothing better than to enjoy food and drink and to find satisfaction in work. Then I realized that these pleasures are from the hand of God. For who can eat or enjoy anything apart from him” (Ecclesiastes 2:24-25).
Thank God…
When you walk outside and feel the perfect breeze on a sunny day.
When you pick up a pen and write- you have the ability to write and means to do so!
When you have food in your home to make a meal.
When you finish folding that last piece of laundry.
When you have a vehicle to drive from here to there.
Look for the simple things and be thankful. Let’s celebrate life and not forget the beauty in each day. Our God gives wonderful gifts, and the best gift of all is Jesus!
I’m hoping this is the first article of a series focusing on “Beauty in Life”. I look forward to writing more on this topic for the Summer of 2021. God bless you, and thanks for reading!
Photo by marek kizer on Unsplash
Amber, I enjoyed this post. God’s beauty is everywhere if we pause and look. I enjoyed your simplistic way of giving all glory to God. I enjoyed this read.
Thanks so much, Ada. Yes, the simplicity of pausing and taking in God’s beauty all around us is such a gift. Thanks for your encouraging comment, and I continue to enjoy reading your posts!
[…] pondering how annoying they are but God redirected my mind and used the a post entitled “How Are You Celebrating Life” to challenge my thinking. Thank you God and Amber for the inspiration. Make sure you follow […]