Victimhood & Self-Protection: Are You Living in Fear or Freedom?

The word “victim” has been thrown around relentlessly in the past four years. It seems there is no end to who has been victimized by someone or a group of people. While there’s no doubt that being a victim of a wrongful act(s) is harmful and wrong, is it possible to heal and grow out of the victimhood mentality? Bryan […]

Stepping Away: Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Breathing erratically, my mind raced. I prayed for God to take away this pain that pierced deeper than any physical pain I could have imagined. Reeling, I was sick to my stomach. My brain was trying to re-wire itself as to what was real and what I had been told was “real” from a loved one. Their reality and actual […]

Why People don’t Talk about their Trauma

**This is a re-blog, originally posted from the “Don’t Lose Hope” site. I found this piece so insightful as to why talking about trauma with others is difficult. For me, the biggest issue has always been negative feedback. It’s been most hurtful when I’ve shared my trauma with someone I care about, and that person is more set on giving […]