Surviving the Holidays: Creating Space for Healing

We tend to stay away from mourning and dancing. Too afraid to cry, too shy to dance… we become narrow-minded complainers, avoiding pain and also true human joy… While we live in a world subject by the evil one, we belong to God. Let us mourn, and let us dance. -Henry Nouwen Jesus wept. -John 11:35 This year will not […]

Raw & Real Life: Transformative Grief

Perhaps, you were made for this moment: to walk through the blazing fire and come forth as gold. -Morgan Harper Nichols God often uses our deepest pain as the launching pad of our greatest calling. -Unknown And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His […]

Dates with My Spouse: A Reflection on Two Dates a Month, For One Year

I never want to stop making memories with you. -Pierre Jeanty Love never gives up. – 1 Corinthians 13:17 Let us not love with words or speech but with action and truth. -1 John 3:18   So, we did it! It wasn’t always easy, it wasn’t always the most romantic dates, but we completed our goal of making time for […]