Go Outside! Creation Screams of God’s Existence

Cultivating Peace: Quiet & Simple Rhythms During Busy Seasons Part 2: The Great Outdoors Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity. John Muir Behold, what I have seen to be good and fitting is to eat and rink and find enjoyment in all […]

True Hope in a Roller Coaster Christmas

Full Life Reflections: December 15th While Christmas is a season of joy and peace for those who put their trust in Christ, it can also be a season of immense grief. Between broken families, wars, trauma, exploitation, loss, poverty, health issues, and death, sometimes it’s hard to feel “happy” at Christmas. All of the songs, parties, and lights can feel […]

Is Excess Replacing Your Gratitude?

Full Life Reflections: December 1st With it now being December, it’s easy to look around and notice how the words “gratitude” and “thankfulness” quickly get pushed aside and replaced by the words, “excess” and “more”. Walking through a department store recently, I noticed boxes upon boxes piled up throughout the aisles. Store employees were hurrying around to unbox and place […]