An Honest Journey
Have You Lost Your Mind?

Have You Lost Your Mind?

Full Life Reflections: October 1st

“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”

-C. S. Lewis

My sister-in-law recently shared wise words from a mentor friend; the mentor explained that living like a Christian in these times will feel like we’re doing the complete opposite of our society.

Those who are following Christ will always be running in the opposite direction of the world. It can be strange at times. We may look around and question, “Is this the right way?”. But it is through God’s Word and the power of the Holy Spirit that we are guided to continue moving forward in truth.

Some days we run the race alone, and other days we are surrounded by support with the wind at our backs. No matter our circumstances, may we continue to run with endurance and flee from worldly passions that point away from God.

Where does God have you running? How are you living counter to the culture?

Photo by Tembela Bohle:

Photo by feelalivenow :

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