An Honest Journey
February Update: Just Between Us Article Published & Upcoming Giveaway!

February Update: Just Between Us Article Published & Upcoming Giveaway!

February is often when I start to experience the winter blues.

Anyone else?

I try to get outside when I can, stay active, and be in community, but it’s still hard to keep an upbeat attitude when it’s been so dark and cold for so long. I’ve found myself crawling into bed at eight o’clock (sometimes earlier), feeling like it must be almost ten at night.

This month our family has also been struggling with winter illnesses. Before New Year’s, we were all doing well in avoiding the winter bugs going around. I like to think our family is fairly healthy, as we make sure to get our rest, eat home-cooked meals, and exercise regularly. And I do think this has contributed to us staying mostly healthy for the majority of winter.

But this month, we all took a turn! As soon as one person got sick and then started feeling better, the next person got sick, and then the next. With that said, I am thankful to be a homemaker who has more flexibility to meet the needs of my family during these unpredictable times where illnesses pop up and schedules change. And it’s only encouraged me to pray and pray some more as we’ve battled illnesses, loaded up on vitamins, and made more chicken noodle soup.

Praise God, we finally seem to be getting some reprieve this week! It definitely makes me appreciate our good health all the more.

With that said, I know spring is on the horizon, and slowly, but surely that sun is starting to stay out a bit longer in the northern hemisphere. Even though we often get snow well into March, I’m looking forward to more sunshine. While I appreciate the beauty of winter, I’m also thankful that it will soon be on the way out.

On a lighter note, I’m happy to share I recently had an article published with “Just Between Us”, a Christian-based women’s magazine meant to walk alongside women in the joys and difficulties of life.

The article may look familiar (if you’ve been following my blog for a while), as it was also published through my blog a couple years back. Feel free to check it out and share it at the link below.

Just Between Us article:

You can also find it through my blog here.

Later this month, be on the lookout for a signed book and workbook giveaway! I’m excited to partner with an award-winning Christian author, speaker, and professional counselor who has written an incredible book on generational trauma. Her book is extremely beneficial to those on their healing journey from past abuse and trauma.

Be on the lookout for more information coming soon. In the meantime, make sure you are subscribed via WordPress or through e-mail in order to stay informed about the giveaway and enter later this month.

God bless the rest of your week! Keep seeking God in your health and relationships!

Thank you for reading, supporting, and commenting!

I am still working on my book, so I will not be on WordPress or posting as frequently, but I will respond to your comments when I see them. Thank you for your continued prayers and support on this writing journey.

Photo by Raul Koženevski:

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