The Overstimulated Adult

More battles were sneaking into our morning routine. Morning transitions were becoming extremely difficult for my four-year-old… Even after I had gotten my “to-do” list done for the morning, I still found myself escaping into e-mails or checking “events” we could attend on my phone. I would read articles, pay a bill, or check out books that I’d want to read, all the while justifying it as “getting things done”. My quality time kept getting pushed aside and I was piling on more and more distractions that took me away from actually addressing the heart issues in myself and my children.

Laughter: Medicine for the Soul

In my closest relationships, we laugh a lot. There is space and freedom to share struggles and hurts, but there’s also space to let go and laugh. It’s almost like we are children once again. We have those impromptu moments of humor. And sometimes those moments bring relief or healing from a hard day, week, or year.

Our laughing creates bonding and connection- it’s a beautiful trait that makes humans so special and helps us to build relationships.