Remembering God’s Faithfulness When “Everything Seems to Be Going Wrong”

When it rains it pours. It’s all downhill from here. Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse… In February of this year, we finally decided to replace our home’s fifty-year-old windows after dutifully saving up. Little did we know, right after purchasing and getting those new windows installed, our 2013 Chevy Traverse decided to give out. With over […]

Victimhood & Self-Protection: Are You Living in Fear or Freedom?

The word “victim” has been thrown around relentlessly in the past four years. It seems there is no end to who has been victimized by someone or a group of people. While there’s no doubt that being a victim of a wrongful act(s) is harmful and wrong, is it possible to heal and grow out of the victimhood mentality? Bryan […]

You’re Not Done Yet: The Gift of Waiting

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24 Signing off from my online tutoring job earlier this month, I set aside my computer, unsure how this “writing thing” was going to look moving forward. When I set out to write a book two years ago, […]